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Vil du høre mere om Kanalvejshusene?
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Jeg giver hermed samtykke til, at jeg må kontaktes af Danica Pension og deres samarbejdspartner, CEJ Ejendomsadministration med påmindelser og information om fremvisning samt markedsføringsmateriale om Danica Ejendommes boliger. Informationen sendes på e-mail og sms. Jeg accepterer også at blive kontaktet telefonisk vedrørende lejemålene.
Contact us to learn more about the rental apartsments
Your full name*
Your email*
Your phone number
I hereby consent to being contacted by Danica Pension and their partner, CEJ Property Administration, with reminders and information about viewings as well as marketing material about Danica Ejendomme apartments. The information will be sent via email and SMS. I also agree to be contacted by phone regarding the rental properties.
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